Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last Communication Before I Depart For The Redwoods

Getting ready to hit the road tomorrow... I just wanted to be sure everyone has a solid idea of where we will be camping, and backup plans in case that site is full. There should be cellphone reception up there, but just in case here are the options in descending order.

NOTE: The 128 (last part of the drive) is very winding and dangerous so take it at a reasonable speed. It passes through several small “towns” (one has a population of 69) where the speed limit drops down real low. Look out for cops because they have nothing better to do than pull over city slickers and give them shit. Locals will tailgate your ass, so if they get too close, I suggest pulling over to let them by. It’s a pretty scenic drive regardless.

ALSO NOTE: After 10 it is quiet time in the campgrounds so we will have to be conscious of the noise level unless we luck out and end up being the only people there, which is pretty unlikely. There will be a lot of us. After 10 pm, try to keep the volume and public drunkenness to a minimum. Don’t get us kicked out, because that would be a non-refundable pain in the ass.

Here goes:

PLAN A- Paul M. Demmick Campground. We should be here provided a hundred dirty hippies don’t show up on Friday afternoon. Sites are $25 a night and you can park 2 vehicles in each one

From the south: 101 to Cloverdale. This is the last spot to get stuff cheap at a Walgreens or a Ralphs and gas up. From Cloverdale take 128 West. Take that road all the way until it almost ends at the coast. The campground is about 8 miles into the Redwood Tunnel on the left. If you don't see us or any familiar cars, look for a sign that says either “Crapdogs” or “SPB” or “Squachelorparty”.

From the north, take 101 to Willits. Fill up on gas in Willits. Take 20 West towards Fort Bragg/ Noyo. Head south on the coast highway (1). Turn east onto the 128. Campground is on the right about 2 to 3 miles in.

PLAN B- Hendy Woods State Park: If Demmick is full, we’ll head back down the 128 toward Cloverdale. About 12 miles up you will come to Philo Greenwood Road. Hook a right and cross the single lane bridge. Immediately after the bridge the campground is on the left. Get a pass at the gate and proceed to the camping area. Look for Crapdogs and Silly Pink Bunnies. This place has quite a few sites so it is a good backup plan.

PLAN C- Indian Creek Park: This is the last ditch effort if the other two fail or there are too many idiots around. Get back on the 128, head east and you will see signs for this campground on the right. I know nothing about it except that it might be our only choice if the other two fall through.

Let's get our caveman on! Godspeed gentlemen

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Latest Reports From The Field

This past weekend, I helped out on a BFRO investigation of an area very close to where we will be hanging out in Mendo. I took an opportunity to scout out the campground and surrounding areas. Let me tell you that I was pleasantly suprised with what I found. Three words that spring to mind are "Tall", "Green" and "Prehistoric". The campground had just opened for the season, and there were only two tents in the place. I'm thinking it might get a bit more crowded by next weekend, but I will try to save as many sites as I can on Thursday. They allow two vehicles per-site, so hopefully I can get a solid head count by Wednesday. Tents and vehicles are dwarfed by these enormous Redwood giants. The location next to the river is prime and it is flowing cool, deep and clear. Still a bit cold for swimming, but I'm sure someone will jump in. The surrounding area is prime for hiking and exploring and the coast is two miles further down the road. I'll post some better directions before I leave. Gas up in Cloverdale as it's cheaper than the little spots after that. Also, Bring rain gear or lots of changes of clothes. Also, tarps and ropes to make overhangs for the campground just in case. I'm hoping for sun, but it's that time of year for rain...